Data preparation, purchasing and planning take up a large part of our activities and these are precisely coordinated and optimized again and again.
Problems are discussed with you and reliably solved.
Our reliable and fast SMD-assemblers process components with 0.29mm FBGA and chips up to 0201 as a standard process. 01005 chips are possible as well, but require special treatment by our quality specialists.
Our decades of experience in the selective soldering process for THT components result in reliable solder connections for your power components, connectors and circuits with increased mechanical requirements. In particular demanding processes where a mechanical prduction is not possible, we will perform all final steps by hand. Our experience range is exceptionally broad.
Starting at a suitable quantity, prints are AOI-inspected and subsequently reworked to IPC Class 2 or 3 at the visual inspection workstations, especially set up for this purpose. The serialization gives us the possibility to trace everything back to the source. The funtion test and programming with your firmware is the termination for the 100% tested boards. Quality from start to q.