Your contact persons for all questions.
We will be pleased to help you with all your wishes.
A project idea, a new product? Inko Werneyer is the right one. From pick and place to shipping your products to your end customers, he keeps the overview in all areas.
She combines the procurement of electronics components with comprehensive know-how in finance and administration. This ensures a smooth supply chain with an overall administrative and financial efficiency.
Whether sheet metal part, milled structures, additional treatment or electronics. His broad technical expertise ensures high quality in procurement.
Her extensive experience and commitment will help you find solutions to your requests. The manufacturing of your products will be accompanied for you by Sabine Küng.
Manufacturing at the highest level is his maxim. Whether the smallest structures or the most demanding geometries, he finds solutions during production.
She manages all goods movements that arrive at our company, are handled internally and are shipped externally. Goods for customers are reliably and professionally packed and shipped in the correct quantities. We can fully rely on her work in production that the incoming goods have already been handled very professionally in the receiving department and any possible discrepancies have already been resolved.